[The view from the hotel window at ConFusion 2025.]
This will be a brief update, as I am at Monumental ConFusion for the weekend.
With the crazy project finally mostly wrapped up, I finally have time and – more importantly – mental energy to dive back into reading. I am bouncing back and forth between Pasternak’s Doctor Zhivago, where I am well past the halfway point, and Jordan S. Carroll’s Speculative Whiteness, which is a short but infuriating read, though now that I am well past the halfway point it is becoming amusing. The alt-right, in all their various facets, are a bunch of pathetic losers.
Not much writing happening right now, thanks to the afore-mentioned Crazy Project.
Weekly Writing Prompt
Subject: Empire, Genius Loci
Setting: Wilderness
Genre: Dystopian
“Father & Son” by Yusuf Islam/Cat Stevens. My partner and I have been watching Ted Lasso, with is remarkable and joyous, and the final scene of the final episode featured this song.
Interesting Links
- “The Curse of the Household Analogy” (Richard Murphy, Funding the Future) – Original of a post at Naked Capitalism. IMHO, people who compare government and household budgeting are irredeemably stupid, and also assume that their audiences are irredeemably stupid.