As July approaches and everyone at work plans for vacation and holidays the entire industry moves into a brief crunch time made up of long days and tight deadlines, held together by the flimsiest of fraying nerves. This doesn’t leave a lot of time or mental energy for reading and writing, though the compulsion persists.
Only one new book-ish thing arrived at the house this week – the June 2022 issue of Poetry.
In reading news, I am finally caught up to present in my pile of unread Poetry issues. Thanks to an unexpected free evening, I read the remaining two issues, including the June issue which arrived earlier this week. So now, as noted previously, I am working my way through my back-log of unread issues of The Paris Review. I might get to the end by the end of the year.
On a side note, this is the first time since I started these weekly posts that I finished reading all of the books which arrived in a week before the end of that week.
In writing news, I am still transcribing my poems from April. With a little luck I will come across something worthy of reading at The Sparrows at the end of the month. If not, well, I am just as happy to sit and listen to other readers.