A couple of weeks ago I walked downtown to the office for the first time since March 15 of 2020. When I carded into the office I found I was the only employee on the premises. I logged in at my workstation and immediately discovered that several of the services I need to use for the project I’m on were unavailable from behind the firewall.
So I packed everything back up and walked back home. On the way home this butterfly – A Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta) was sunning itself on the sidewalk about a block from my house. So the day wasn’t a total loss.
No new reading material arrived this past week, which is an increasingly common state of affairs as I get a handle on the fact that, with another person living in my house, there is only so much room for books, and only so much time available for reading.
In reading news, I am close to the end of Franco Berardi‘s The Uprising, and just past halfway through Michael J. Sullivan‘s Theft of Swords, and enjoying both immensely for completely different reasons.
My writing practice took a hit this week due to some unexpected chores and errands, and also the tail end of a project which sucked the life right out of me. I guess I’ll try again on Monday.